Despite being a student of the Darling Downs Institute of Advanced Education (DDIAE) in the 1970s, Kevin Charlesworth’s reason for establishing two scholarships at the University of Southern Queensland is based on a life lesson he was taught as a young farmer.
“When I was 21, I had just taken over the family farm and was facing the very real possibility of losing it,” Mr Charlesworth remembered.

Image by USQ Photographer, David Martinelli
“I had a great crop of oats but didn’t have the money to bale it. I was afraid to ask for help but knew if I didn’t, I’d be putting my future and the farm on the line,” he said.
“I put my pride aside and asked a family friend if they’d be in a position to help but made it clear that I wanted to pay them back when I could.
“This wonderful bloke agreed to bale the crop for me and after he’d done the job, he was adamant that I only repay the price of the baling string in return.”
Mr Charlesworth said it was that one act of selfless giving that made all the difference in his life.
“Finding out that there was someone out there who was willing to hedge a bet on me, give me a go, and ask for nothing in return was quite the realisation,” he said.
“A lot of people thinking that philanthropy is about the giving of money; it’s not about that at all. It’s about getting to play a small part in someone else’s success.
“If you search through history books and autobiographies, you’ll know that people who have succeeded in life have had a lift from someone at some point in their life. It may have been money, but it may have been a roof over their head or the offer of mentoring or simply a safe place to talk.”
Now retired following a working career in engineering, farming, and education, Mr Charlesworth is still active in the community, as the President of the Australian Sunflower Association and a volunteer at the Toowoomba Flexi School.
“There’s not a teenager out there, regardless of what sort of home environment they’re from, who isn’t looking for validation – it’s a prime age for decisions and trying to figure out what they could make of their life,” Mr Charlesworth said.
“Sitting and talking with young people keeps me young to be honest, but it also gives me much more than I feel I ever give them. Encouraging them to have a go, consider university, tell them about all the different types of scholarships and support that exists – it’s important and I enjoy it,” he said.
Kevin Charlesworth is well equipped to talk scholarships and support.
With his wider family, he’s established the Nola Charlesworth Scholarship endowment fund – named for his Mother – as well as the Kevin Charlesworth Fund, built through his giving and the University of Southern Queensland’s matching.
“It’s something I’m proud of but I always like people to know that we’re not offering huge amounts of money; what we’re doing is making sure that the student who needs that little bit of help, gets it,” he said.
“I’d love to see more people consider how they could maybe do similar acts of giving, and what it might look like for them.
“Giving simply makes you ‘more’. Whether you’ve got $20 to donate, or something more substantial over a longer period – the return on your investment in a young person will offer you the same reward.”
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