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Are you a current or emerging leader? As one of our valued graduates of USQ, I’m very pleased to let you know about our new program titled Graduate Certificate of Leadership and Coaching (GCLC). The program commenced in 2019 and is quickly gaining momentum with current and aspiring leaders across industry and government agencies and all kinds of business entities.

The background to the program involved industry and government leaders coming together and working with us to design and craft a world-class leadership qualification. The first of our advisory committees met in 2016 and we worked tirelessly over a three year period to bring about a highly innovative program that equips graduates with a toolbox of contemporary leadership skills that can be applied in practice. For instance, within the context of growing leaders in contemporary organisations, we asked industry what they wanted in a leadership graduate, which courses would be most attractive to their staff and also what content would be relevant within a business environment of continuous and disruptive change. Business managers wanted their aspiring leaders to lead and implement change, to effectively mentor and coach staff, to learn how to ‘do’ leadership rather than just learn ‘about’ leadership, and to learn more about the psychology of leader actions given that most leaders face a growing list of challenges that need contemporary solutions. Following this advice, the school then designed and crafted four courses for the program. They are: Leadership Development; The Leaders Mind; Mentoring and Coaching; and Leading Organisation Change.

So why do we think you should consider the Graduate Certificate in Leadership and Coaching? The program is designed to build career success and to develop outstanding leaders who can:

  • Apply know-how skills to practical problems and to learn about know-why skills of leading change;
  • Connect with people through practising mindfulness and emotion while reflecting on empathy and compassion. To understand the psychology of the leaders mind;
  • Solve critical business problems through practical application and real-world case studies;
  • Mentor and coach staff in ways that help them realise their own capabilities and problem-solving skills. To enable leaders to develop their people through the coaching conversation; and
  • Develop their own leadership toolkit that can be applied to almost any situation.

The GCLC is ideal for all current and emerging leaders in industry from education, to health to manufacturing, and more. Come and check out the program for yourself! Find out more details online. For all program enquiries, please contact us at or call on 1800 269500.

Find out how the GCLC articulates in to the Master of Adaptive Leadership program. Your leadership journey begins right here and I look forward to personally welcoming you in to the program.

Kind regards,

Peter A. Murray (PhD)

Professor of Management & Program Director


Phone: +61 7 4631 1154